This month I've taken two geocaching rides to Bisbee, AZ. I love the ride, I love the little town, and the hunt for a geocache gives my ride a "purpose," (as if I need one.) Between my limited budget of late, and a freezer bursting with goodness, I've taken to packing a lunch, and treating myself to something simple, like a darned good espresso from the Bisbee Coffee Company. A couple of weeks ago I found a particularly interesting cache by following this trail of photographic clues. I felt very clever indeed.

A few days ago I found a cache hidden somewhere up here (with the aid of a GPS enabled iPhone and sturdy boots):
Here's the view from the cache site. Lovely!
Bisbee is a popular place, so parking is always a little tricky. I usually park a bit off the beaten path and enjoy the walk. On this last trip, my parking strategy proved worthwhile. Oh happy day! - I found myself directly across the street from micro-chocolatier Gordon Terpening's shop, Chocolate (accent on the a, I've no idea how to do that from this blog interface.) At this lovely boutique, they not only hand make stunningly beautiful and tasty bonbons, but they first make the chocolate itself. By that, I mean they import cacao beans from around the world, and then roast, grind and conch them (a full 60 hours, thank you very much) right in their tiny workroom.
Chocolate, in its original form:
I got to see and taste the cacao nibs themselves, along with dark chocolates made from different varietals from around the world. My favorite? Definitely the Madagascar West African blend. I also had a nice little espresso cup taster of their hot chocolate. Doubting that a wide selection of low melting point treats would survive the trip in my sun heated top case, I had to make my small purchase wisely. The pressure! I opted for an orange chiltipin ganache filled confection to start my day and a dark chocolate rosemary lime treat to end it. Excellent!
Once the goods in my freezer run out, I'm checking out Cafe Roka, also in Bisbee, which I'm told should not be missed.
Bisbee is a town of artists. You can see funky artwork like this on practically every street corner.
wotta hottie
Hi, Paula! Good to see you got yer li'l Ninja running again! Enjoy checking in on you now and again! We met in Hatch, NM. Mike & Mary. Crashed my beloved SV1000S, '09 Concours 14 now. Be safe, ride well! :)
Yes yes yes! Also, I didn't post that hottie post. ;) Quest for Chocoláte. Note facile accent usage and thank my kindle.
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