I made my annual trip to Richcrest Farms to can tomatoes a week or two ago (on the Kawasaki.) You gotta love a top box that fits a case of canning jars! I'll spare you the details, since I wrote about it here a couple of years ago, but I thought I'd show you my winter rations to date.
Top shelf: Mexican lime curd, prickly pear jelly, pickles, strawberry preserves
Middle shelf: raspberries, peaches, rhubarb
Bottom shelf: tomatoes, tomato juice, apricots
It hasn't been a great year for stocking up. The fruit in Utah came late, and I had to leave before I could get my cherries and blueberries. Somehow I didn't get as many apricots as usual, either. It was a bad year for tomatoes in Arizona, too. For a while, it looked like I'd be buying canned ones for the first time in several years, but I managed to get a few quarts at the eleventh hour.
Soon to be added: apples, applesauce, and the pate I raved about here.
The contents of my freezer are getting interesting as well, but the freezer is not quite as photogenic as my cabinet.
My sharp eye noticed some new wheels at the farm. I wonder which set belongs to Farmer Jim.
Pleasant surprise on the way home from Richcrest: the ten mile stretch of Dragoon road was completely a-flutter in butterflies!
Next time: I swear I'll visit the pistachio orchard I pass by each year on the way to the farm. I'm always worried about that pesky night-time riding constraint of mine. Word on the street is that this year was a bumper crop.
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