I had to forgo my annual June tour this year. It a damn shame, really, since this is my first summer in Utah with the Ducati, but I had good reasons. In any case, I guess that gives me the opportunity to write about what I did last summer. And to think I was feeling bad that I didn’t tell you about summer 2009 until May 2010.
Do you remember my June 2009 tour? The Kawasaki and I finally struck out to ride southern Utah on our own, to visit beloved Hwy 12. Hurrah! I rode in the rain. And in more rain. And the restaurant was closed. And then thunder. And lightening. And hail. So, in 2010 I thought I’d give southern Utah another chance.
I had thought there was a lot of snow in the Uinta Range the year before. In 2010 all the side roads off the Mirror Lake Scenic Byway (which I recently learned is Utah's highest paved road) were unplowed, with several feet of snow on them. You would have needed a snow blower to camp. (2011 would prove to be even snowier, as you saw here.)
I love Utah - blue water, red mesas and snow, all in one frame!
I camped my first night at Starvation Lake State Park, about the only established camping anywhere in the area. Not much to do there in the way of hiking, but it was a fine enough place to put up my feet after a day of riding. There’s an OHV (Off Highway Vehicle) area in the park, for you dirtin’ folk.
Starvation Lake? I don't think so! I was hoping for a dinner invite at the barbecue area, but these fish were heading to proper kitchens in proper houses. I crunched my dry granola dinner while visions of freshly grilled tender white fleshed perch swam laps in my head.
I didn't feel too sorry for myself. Dinner plans awaited me further south...
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