Saturday, March 18, 2017


When you open the hangar door to reveal a veritable and volatile pond beneath your aeroplane, well... it makes for the quickest pre-flight ever.   There goes 80 gallons of 100LL*. Can I just say, it's not always the Ducati that breaks down?

AvGas evaporates pretty quickly in these parts.

Day off! Let's go to Yuma! (??) There was a bit of sense to the plan. Pilot guy's friend is out there for an airshow, helping manage the smoke generators. You know, the letters in the sky? That smoke. Turns out, Pilot Guy helped design the system, based on GPS clocks, some years ago. Why not? And? There's a motocross demo to be seen!

As is the case with motorcycles, some days involving aeroplanes don't always go as planned.

The task of the day was more along the lines of siphoning 50 or 60 gallons out of the wings (who doesn't love the taste of AvGas first thing in the morning?), rather than any diagnostics. But on first glance it appears the left wing and the fuel selector valve are both leaking. Go big or go home!  (AvGas is blue, by the way.)

So we went out to eat, instead.

We've always been curious about the airport convenient, Flamingo bedazzled Sunny Daze Cafe. The  posole was pretty good!

This Sunny Daze flamingo didn't survive pre-flight, either, it seems.

And so, instead of presenting you with a photo of a motorcycle leaping through the air, here is a photo of a... horse. Because that's just kind of how the day went.**

Tucson Dressage Horse Show
Might as well, right?

*That's aviation fuel, to you and me. And about $500.
**We swung by Arizona Zipline Adventures, too, with the hopes of making today an even stranger collection of activities, but they were booked. It's a fun looking place! I'll be back. On a motorcycle.

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